Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Coppice Primary Academy


We are a vibrant and inclusive community that ensures that every child is placed at the centre of every learning experience, and where we put great emphasis on achieving the highest standards possible.

Children and their futures are at the heart of our thinking and decision-making. We believe that by teaching children to work in teams, to lead, think critically and to constantly improve we will equip them to be life-long learners and to be strong members of their communities.

Our curriculum is rooted in a strong belief of equality for all pupils and is therefore designed to be ambitious for all. 

Expectations are high, ensuring that pupils with SEND and those who are disadvantaged apply what they know. We value a knowledge rich curriculum underpinned by carefully planned and sequenced units of work to enable cumulative knowledge and effective learning as the large majority of the school population speaks English as an additional language.

The curriculum is broad and balanced and offers a wide range of curricular activities involving visits out of school and visitors to school, to enhance learning and extend pupils’ cultural capital. The following document captures this:

The Coppice Curriculum 2025

Personal Development Social and Cultural Passport

Use the links below to find out more about learning at Coppice:

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1074)









 Focus Trust Curriculum Statement

focus trust curriculum statement november 2021 .pdf